Zakat and income tax in Saudi Arabia

Zakat and income tax both play significant roles in the financial system of Saudi Arabia. While zakat is a mandatory religious obligation for Muslims, income tax is a government-imposed levy on individuals and businesses operating in the country. Let's explore each of these concepts in detail.


Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam and is considered a religious duty for Muslims who meet the necessary financial criteria. It is a form of obligatory charity aimed at helping those in need and redistributing wealth within society. This system ensures social welfare through the sharing of resources.

In Saudi Arabia, the collection and distribution of zakat are overseen by the zakat& Tax and customs authority under the guidance of the Ministry of Finance. These committees collect funds from eligible individuals and distribute them to various segments of society, including the poor, the elderly, the sick, and those with outstanding debts.

The zakat amount is typically calculated as 2.5% of an individual's accumulated wealth over a lunar year. Wealth subject to zakat includes cash, investments, jewelry, and properties. Saudi Arabia has stringent regulations in place to ensure accuracy and fairness in zakat collection, with penalties for non-compliance.

Income tax:

Unlike zakat, income tax is a secular concept imposed by the Saudi Arabian government. It is levied on individuals, residents, and non-resident businesses that generate income within the country. Income tax revenue aids the government in funding public services and investment projects throughout Saudi Arabia.

As of 2021, the Saudi Arabian income tax system consists of two main types: the Zakat and Income Tax Law (ZITL) and the Corporate Income Tax Law (CITL). ZITL imposes taxes on individuals and unincorporated entities, whereas CITL applies to corporations operating in the country.

For individuals, the tax rates vary based on their level of income. The tax rates range from 0% to 30%, with higher-income individuals paying higher rates. However, there are several deductions and allowances granted to individuals to reduce the tax burden.

For corporations, the tax rate is generally a flat 20%, but specific industries may have varying rates or exemptions based on government policies and incentives.

Zakat and income tax form the backbone of the financial system in Saudi Arabia. While zakat focuses on religious duty and ensuring social welfare, income tax serves as a means for the government to generate revenue for public services and development projects. Both systems are crucial for maintaining financial stability and socio-economic balance in the country.


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